Quick update
Internet fixed, but I'm really busy so just a quick update.
Had sex with Aino on Sunday. I hadn't seen her in a while. She's still the same girl: hot body, mentally unstable. The sex was pretty plain, but OK.
Met a new girl in a bar on Sunday. She's one of the many reasons I am so busy. She's dating a guy at the moment, but the relationship must not have a very good foundation since I spent last night in her bed and I will spend the following night too. Her boyfriend is out of town for the week. We didn't have sex last night because she was having a moral dilemma since she's never cheated before. That was totally OK with me and I didn't want to push her. She's really nice. I like her. We'll see how far we get tonight.
Hopefully I'll be able to post a more in the weekend. I wish I could tell you what's going on in my life. I'm sure you'd understand why I am so busy. But bear with me, I'm not going to stop blogging ;)
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