Monday, March 24, 2008

Lots of questions, hardly any answers

Ok, nothing much to blog about in my sex life. I've been doing a lot of stuff, but this time pussy has had a fairly small role.

I had a really quiet and relaxing weekend. Girls were on my mind a lot, but, you're not going to believe this, I wasn't thinking about fucking them up the ass. Well, maybe a few times, but that doesn't really count. Kinda like having sex with a man. If you only do it once or twice it doesn't really make you gay ;)

I was trying to find some answers to the questions I've lately found bugging me more and more often. Am I happy with my current situation? What can I do to make my life better? Is there really a single girl who could fulfill all my dreams? If I stop reaching for the gold medal, will I even find a silver one? And do I really give a fuck about medals? How about just playing the game?

Do I really want to get married someday? If I get married, will I get bored in 20 years and start buying 18-year-old whores on business trips? Will I be one of those old men offering money for sex to 16-year-old girls in online forums?

There's only one thing I'm certain about. I want kids. Someday, I want to be a father. And I'm going to be a good one. So, maybe instead of looking for the girl of my dreams I should be looking for the mother of my children?

But seriously, if she's the perfect mother, but she doesn't take it up the ass, is it going to work out? Am I putting too much emphasis on sex? It's just one aspect of many. Is it me who is at fault and not the girls? If so, what can do about it? I can't unsee all the porn and I can't undo the things I've done. And I don't want to. I love loving butts and sub/dom. On the other hand, I think cannibals also love eating human flesh even if they know it's wrong.

I want a beautiful, sporty girl who is outgoing and social. She has decent job and she's smart. The most common expression on her face is a smile. She knows how to dress well and likes doing so. She likes good restaurants, art and music. She reads.. books! She wants kids and is willing to dedicate enough time to motherhood.

In bed, she likes sub/dom and anal play. She's bold and open-minded. She knows she looks good naked and isn't afraid show off a bit. Sometimes she'll go to great lengths just to suprise me pleasantly. She's a horny nympho who just can't get enough.

Please send your informal applications to my gmail account ;) My username is releaving (dot) farewell.


At 11:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, you just described a girl 99% of men want. Or at least they wouldn't mind having one ;-)...

At 3:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tässäpä kysymys, jota varmaan kaikki sinkut ja monet parisuhteessa elävätkin pohtivat: millainen on elämäni mies taikka nainen.

Omasta puolestani voin vastata kysymykseen näin: kun oikea henkilö osuu kohdalle, sen kyllä tietää. Toki on niin, että rakastuminen ja ihastuminen ja ne kuuluisat perhoset mahassa laimenevat ennen pitkää. Rakastumisen lisäksi pitää tehdä päätös siitä, että aikoo rakastaa tätä ihmistä, vajaavaisuuksineenkin. Täytyy hyväksyä se, että täydellistä puolisoa ei ole ja joskus toisen tietyt ominaisuudet saattavat vituttaa aivan saatanasti.

Tietenkin joskus saattaa käydä niin, että päätöstä on mahdoton pitää. Alkuhuumassa on kieltäytynyt huomaamasta puolisossa sellaisia piirteitä, jotka eivät kerta kaikkiaan natsaa oman persoonan kanssa, tai sitten jompi kumpi osapuolista jostain syystä muuttuu.

Parisuhde on myös kompromissien tekemistä ja luopumista.

Jos haluat lapsia, parempi on valita niiden äidiksi sellainen ihminen, jota aidosti rakastat ja jonka rinnalla haluat elää. Tuskinpa lapset kasvavat tasapainoisiksi ihmisiksi sellaisessa perheessä, jossa isä on valinnut puolisokseen pelkän synnyttäjän, ja vanhempien avioliitto on pelkkää kulissia.

Kun tapaat varteenotettavan tytön, kerro hänelle avoimesti seksimieltymyksistäsi, äläkä vain työnnä peukaloa perseeseen. Jos tyttö ei pysty tai halua keskustella seksiasioista kanssasi, hän tuskin on sinua varten.

Tämmöisiä ajatuksia postauksesi minussa herätti. Nämä pohjaavat omiin kokemuksiini ja tunteisiini, en tiedä, pitävätkö ne paikkansa sinun kohdallasi.


At 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"if she's the perfect mother, but she doesn't take it up the ass, is it going to work out?"

Should I laugh or cry..? Hopefully this is a joke.

At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ei kai monogamia ole ainoa tapa toteuttaa parisuhdetta. Miksi ihmeessä rakkauteen pitäisi välttämättä kuulua yksinoikeus kumppaniin vartaloon?

At 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, thinking about the same kind of things, though slightly differently being a woman and all... but in the end having high standards is worth it, that's what I still want to believe at least... and of course one has to make compromises, but in order to have a happy, satisfying, faithful and lasting relationship, you can't be missing out on something that is essential for you. Don't take a good mother for your children, take a woman you love.

At 11:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No ass. No dice. Period.

At 11:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't have the cake and eat it too. You'll grow out of it by the time...

- Auntie Jean, 32 years

At 12:52 AM, Blogger PartyFlickan said...

Hankitaanko vauva?

At 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A girl that 99% of men want? Olin ensin samaa mieltä, mutta mietitäänpas uudestaan. Eivät monet miehistä halua älykästä tyttöä. Ei monelle miehelle ole mitään väliä josko tyttö lukee kirjoja tai arvostaa hyvää ruokaa. Moni mies ei tajua taiteista ja eivät vaadi sitä naiseltakaan. Ja moniko mies haluaa/kestää sen, että naisella on hyvä(/miestä parempi?) duuni? Ehkä ei sittenkään 99%

At 5:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sitten vakavampaan aiheeseen. Uskon, että kun tuntee tarpeeksi hyvin itsensä, tunnistaa myös potentiaaliset vaimoehdokkaat paremmin. Suosittelen "hengellistä" kirjallisuutta ja itsetutkiskelua. Ympäristön tarjoamat valmiit mallit, arvot ja elämänohjeet tuskin pätevät sinuun.. (moneenko ne oikeasti pätevät?!) Tän blogin perusteella meissä on aika paljon samaa.. Noh, tämä nuoruus on opettelun aikaa

At 9:40 PM, Blogger Farewell said...

Thanks for investing the time it took to write your comment. I really appreciate it.

A lot of people keep saying that once you meet the right person you'll know. Well, I already thought I did with Laura, but when I think back on it now, I'm really happy we broke up.

I think it was the Beatles who said "All you need is love", but I'm inclined to disagree. I really need to be able to reason that this is the perfect girl for me. I need to have "The Perfect Girl" -checklist and be able to check a satisfactory amount of boxes ;)

Perhaps a bit provocatively written, but not a joke. Do what ever makes you feel good.

I have been thinking about polygamy. The problem is that I really do want kids and the current society just can't have a father who keeps on spreading his love.

Besides, I'm more than willing to devote myself to a single girl. As soon as I find the perfect one ;)


Amen! ;)

Auntie Jean:
Lol.. well, maybe ;)

Judging by your blog you seem like the perfect girl. So, yes! Call me when you get back to Finland ;)

Thanks for the cute message ;)

Thanks for the tips. I will continue exploring the world ;)

At 12:29 AM, Blogger PartyFlickan said...

Mä soitan kun oon takaisin Suomessa. Sun puhelinnumero lienee 1-900-jotain ;)?

At 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've got me addicted to reading about your life. :) I've never really read anyone's blog actively (except for Partyflickan's last summer at work ;)...
Can't wait to read more and hope to run into you somewhere in the night... ;)
-the same Anna as above

At 11:48 PM, Blogger Farewell said...

0700-123-123. Odotan soittoasi ;)

PS. Voiko anaaliseksillä saada lapsia? ;)

Glad to know you enjoy reading my rants.

Why would you want to bump in to me? Do you like to be treated badly? ;)

At 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only do I like to be treated badly, judging by the list of what you want in a woman, I think you would like me ;)

At 10:21 PM, Blogger Farewell said...

So why aren't we married yet?
Give me a call, my phone number is above ;)

At 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because we haven't met yet ;)

At 10:03 PM, Blogger Farewell said...

I guess we're just going to have to make that happen.

Maybe something like this? ;)

I hope you don't mind that I'm going to have a baby with partyflickan once she gets back ;)

At 2:45 AM, Blogger PartyFlickan said...

Siis onko tää nyt kirjoitettu jo kiveen? :D Tosin vauvakuumetta kyllä vähän pukkaa...

At 5:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay... I read the!;)

But there is, indeed, a thin line between being brave and stupid and I for one am not stupid. ;)



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