Monday, July 16, 2007

For men: Tips on how to time your orgasm

I've been boasting about the ability to decide when I want to cum and some readers wanted me to share some tips. I promised I would, so here goes.

The most important thing, in my opinion, is breathing. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. This should calm you down, because it sort of feels like you're letting out more air than you're taking in. Try to concentrate on the breathing, I'm sure you can move your hips without thinking about it that much. Don't worry if your breathing sounds loud, she's only going to think it's sexy. You can get more tips for breathing from running and martial arts.

The second most effective trick is mind games. Don't think about how great her ass looks when your cock sinks in. Think about work. Think about groceries. Think about what to do next weekend. If you still feel like you're going to cum soon, think about your grandma. Don't think about sex, pussy, ass and don't concentrate on how good it feels.

I'm not saying you have to think about your grandma all the time during sex. You only need to do it when your nearing an orgasm. It's just to fend off the climax so you can once again admire that sweet brown rosebud you're fucking.

I still do this a lot, but the thoughts I use are more ordinary nowadays. When I was a teenager I had a few really disgusting memories that I brought back when needed. Well, we all know that with those testosterone levels you really need something special for it to work. Happily, nowadays, more common things are enough.

Another good skill is to know when to pull out. If you've failed in the above two, which you will every now and then, you can still save it by pulling out in time. I mean really pulling out immediately, not just slowing down or first taking a few more pushes. If you're really close to the edge, pull out immediately.

Yeah, I know, it's not perfect. You might ruin some pleasure from her by doing that, but you will anyway if you cum too early. And naturally you can exchange your cock for a few fingers for the time it takes for you to cool off a bit, or you can lick her for a while.

Pulling out is a lot harder when, for example, a girl is giving you a blowjob since she's in charge. If she gives you that one stroke too much she'll push you over the edge and you'll cum on her face. There's is a last straw that you can try clinging to. You can squeeze your cock with the index finger and thumb just below the helmet. The important thing is to have your index finger under your penis. I really don't know all the anatomical terms to explain this better, but just try it and you'll probably get it. This will stop the orgasm if you do it fast enough. You can practise this while masturbating.

The obvious, but still worth mentioning, is pace. If your nearing an orgasm, slow down for a while and instead go deeper. If it feels like you're going to cum immediately if you start quickening the pace again, pull out and cool off for a while. Spank her. Strangle her. Tell her she's a bitch. You know the drill.

Even if you apply all the tricks in the world, you're still probably going to cum too early every now and then. Don't take it too seriously, but be sure to finish pleasing her. Lick and finger her to an orgasm. No way in hell are you allowed to stop since you already came. I hope no one in the world seriously thinks that.

There's the things that popped into my mind during this half an hour. I'll let you know if I forgot something important.

Please do comment and share your own wisdom in this matter. Bear in mind that I'm no professional and I'm not claiming to be one. These are my opinions and I'm hoping someone can learn from them.


At 4:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If it feels like you're going to cum immediately if you start quickening the pace again, pull out and cool off for a while. Spank her. Strangle her. Tell her she's a bitch. You know the drill."

You call that cooling off?

Gzuz, after reading your blog through, all I can say is that you may think you're some sort of connoisseur of wild sex, but you're nothing but an inexperienced brat, who thinks he knows a lot.

That said I might as well add that never in a million years would I spread my tight ass cheeks to someone as one dimensional dip-shit as yourself.

At 4:41 PM, Blogger Farewell said...

Cooling off in a sense that you're not getting more aroused physically.

I think you missed my self-irony in the part you just quoted. Take it easy, these aren't matters of life and death. And if I piss you off that much, stop reading. Though I hope you continue, cause it's the negative critique that makes me really question myself and my lifestyle.

Remember that I'm this one dimensional only in this blog, because it's a blog about my sex life and because I'm being very honest. I bet most of your boyfriends have had very similar thoughts, but you just never hear them. I'd never pour this stuff out to a girlfriend.

Who knows, maybe you've already spread your ass cheeks to me. Thanks for mentioning that they're tight, by the way ;)

Thanks for your comment.

At 12:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't. That much I know for certain. And I never will. Although that might be of your liking.

Too bad. For you.

At 12:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terve, kirjotan suomeksi kun sillä tavalla pystyn tehokkaammin plöräyttämään jättiläismäisen kommentin.

Joskus eksyin lukemaan sun blogia ja ajattelin että onpa ääliö tyyppi hyi. Mutta nyt kun olen vähän aikaa seuraillut sivusta, olen päässyt ennakko-oletuksestani. Koska oikeastaan se menee niin yksinkertaisesti että sä tiedät mitä sä haluat ja otat sen niiden ihmisten kanssa jotka siihen suostuu, ja kaiken lisäks oon saanu sellasen mielikuvan että et viekoittele niitä millään epärehellisillä keinoilla.

Kuitenki tää posti räjäytti potin.

"No way in hell are you allowed to stop since you already came. I hope no one in the world seriously thinks that."

Ei voi olla läpeensä paska ihminen jos tällasta kirjottaa. Seksissä on kuitenki aina kaksi osapuolta joilla kummillakin on toivottavasti oma tahto, jos tintiniä ei miellytä tollanen jäähdyttelykäsittely, niin se on väärän ihmisen kanssa sängyssä!

Omaa tilannettani sivuten haluaisin kuitenkin vielä kysyä niinkin analyyttisen kysymyksen kuin että oletko ikinä ollut sellaisen naisen kanssa jolla on orgasmivaikeuksia tai ei ollenkaan saa orgasmeja?

Latistaako tunnelmaa jos nainen ei tule? Jos kiinnostaa ni osaat itekki täyttää tehtävänannon "discuss", mä ainakin haluaisin lukea.

At 12:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Latistaako tunnelmaa jos mieskään ei tule? No tietysti latistaa, tarvitseeko tätä edes kysellä?

At 12:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

folks, this guy might sometimes seem macho and the irritating "know it all" type... but ye don't always have to read between the lines to recognize him as a true gentleman when it comes to bedding the ladies.

At 4:36 PM, Blogger Farewell said...

Nickname "frigidi" asked that if a woman is unable to have orgasms does that lower the mood?

Well, of course it does. I can make Jenni cum only by licking her. She's never had an orgasm during intercourse with anyone. Even though I know I can please her with my tongue it still sucks not being able to fuck her into an orgasm.

To be completely honest, I don't think I could date a girl who couldn't cum at all. Sorry if I'm hurting you by saying this, but no use in lying either. At least it would require a lot of mental work on my part. But of course, for the perfect girl, a man is willing to do anything =)

last anonymous:
Thanks ;)

At 10:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I try to get myself into as close as a trancelike state as I can manage (knowing that I'm not sure if I've ever been in a real trance). When I'm trying to really last a long time while fucking--I try to get my mind to a distant place: still enjoying myself, but trying to get my mind as far away as possible. It's the mind that always makes us guys cum too quick, in my opinion.

At 4:50 PM, Blogger Farewell said...

I'll have to try that out.

I agree that stopping the orgasm is a mental thing.


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