Monday, October 09, 2006

I'm HIV negative

Got the results from my HIV test. It was negative. I didn't really think it would be positive, but thinking about the result beforehand did freak me out a bit. Well, anyway, it's nice to know for sure that I don't have any STDs.

Anu told me I'm a pig since I stopped calling her and sending her messages right after we had sex. I have very little to say in my own defense. Still, I don't feel bad or anything. She knew what I was after. Naturally I would've kept in touch if the experience had been a little more positive, but I'm not going to say that to her face.

She wants to fuck me again. She tried to make herself fit in my schedule yesterday and today. No spot for her. I would've had time for Christine or Helga, but not for Anu. I am willing to give her another chance, I'm just not going to make much of an effort to arrange it myself.

I don't know what's up with Evita. We're still in contact, but she says she's too busy to meet me. I told her I got the message and that I'm going to stop contacting her, but she said she does want to see me. I guess there's some kind of turmoil in her life at the moment. Pity, I'd love to fuck her after such a long break.


At 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you are sick.

At 1:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a little at lost with dear anonymous' comment here. Is honesty sick? And I thought it was just healthy. Silly me.

Besides, I thought Farewell here just said that he got the results back all negative so he *isn't* sick... ;)

Keep up the good work sweetheart, I find your rants very entertaining.

At 8:30 AM, Blogger Susanna said...

Trust won´t keep hiv away, please remember that.. I don´t know what the statistics are nowadays, but few years back when I worked at Aidscouncil, almost 50% of infected female got the disease from their dear husband... You can never know who you can trust. Do you really think you are the only one your girls fuck? Or the only one who fucks them barebacked? Think again..

I´m sorry, I don´t mean to preach, but I´d like you to think about these things before its too late.

At 10:25 PM, Blogger Farewell said...

I think you're narrow-minded ;)

Thanks a lot, baby ;)

Thank you for your concern. I appreciate it, really. I am aware that I'm not keeping as safe as I should and I'll try to do better. I always use a condom during vaginal intercourse and I don't have anal sex very often, but you are right, I should use a condom everytime.

Yeah, you are preaching a bit, but I don't mind. ;) It's an important matter.

Btw. what is it with all those knitting blogs, I just don't get it? :D

At 10:25 AM, Blogger Susanna said...

well I wasn´t always so careful myself, altough I was supposed to be a pro on these preventing-a-crisis- things :D . It just doesn´t feel so important. But it should, of course.

Knitting blogs...hmm. I don´t know. they keep coming like mushrooms in the rain or something like that ;) There were 7 when I started, now over 300 finnish knitblogs. crazy? But maybe it´s a good sign that you don´t get it? *lol*


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