Utter failure
Good news to all those who hate me: I've had a weekend full of failure. You're going to love this post. It sucks to write about failure, but I've been honest throughout the blog so far and I'm going to stick to it even though this would be the perfect moment to just stay silent.
However, let's start off on a positive note. I succeeded in spending Friday and Saturday evenings with Lisa. Normally we never meet on weekend evenings, let alone two in a row. I must've hit a soft spot and I realize that it's not going to happen again very soon, which actually makes this story even sadder.
We had a great time. Naturally. We always do. We had lengthy discussions about our relationship and it's peculiarity. I'll spare you the details so we'll get to the failing faster.
On Friday we didn't spend the night together. We just kissed in a romantic place in Helsinki. It's been a while since we've kissed and it was magical.
On Saturday I invited her over to my place. We watched a movie and then started playing around. Lots and lots of kissing, which I normally don't like that much, but with her it's great. Things started getting passionate and I was hard as a rock. I peeled off her jeans and closed in on her crotch with kisses.
I kissed her panties, but didn't go under them until I thought I'd teased her enough. I must've since when I eventually pulled them aside she was absolutely soaking wet. When I started licking her I was covered in her juices in just a few seconds. Absolutely lovely. Lisa tastes likes strawberries.
I kept her panties aside and licked her to an orgasm. She squirmed, moaned and smiled beautifully. I wish I could record her expressions on video. I could jerk off just watching her face.
After her orgasm, the passion decreased. She started acting a bit weird so after a while I asked her if there's something wrong. "I'm not sure if us having sex is the best thing to do." I couldn't help thinking "Yeah, I bet it's not now that I've already made you cum", but I kept silent.
It's funny with this girl. It seems that she multiplies all my emotions by ten. I don't think I've ever felt so rejected. I really felt like shit. I was a puppet and I fucking hate that. All these thoughts showed on my face and eventually I also told her. Now she was sorry that she made me feel so bad. How fucked up can the relationship between two people be. I asked her to sleep over anyway and she said she would even though initially she'd said that she wouldn't.
Later on when we got to bed for sleeping purposes, things got heated again. She sucked my cock, which was pleasant but not entirely fulfilling, possibly due to the situation. Anyway, since I didn't want to lose the moment I fairly quickly got out a condom and started shoving my cock in her pussy.
So far, with Lisa, I've lost my erection at this point every time. This time I didn't. Not that it made much of a difference since I came immediately. Un-fucking-believable. She thought I just lost my erection again and I didn't want to correct her with something even more embarrassing. I'm like a fucking 15-year-old school boy when I'm with her.
So once again I failed at fucking the girl who is one of the most fuckable girls I know. It was so ironic that I laughed out loud.
For today I had already earlier arranged for Jonna to come over since she's been harrasing me non-stop. I wasn't feeling great, but I didn't want to cancel. I thought I'll just treat her bad and then send her home, which is exactly what I did.
I sent her a message telling her not to wear panties and of course she obeyed. When she got my place I made her suck my dick, but I told her she's not allowed to take it inside her mouth. Finally my balls got the attention that they need. I then spanked her ass for something like 20 minutes until it was completely and utterly red. I fucked her ass, took another condom and fucked her pussy until she came. All this without a hint of passion.
I was thinking of ejaculating on her stomach, but when I took off the condom and started jerking off I just kept thinking about Lisa and well, naturally, that fucked up everything. I couldn't cum. I just said "Fuck it" and stopped trying.
So, all in all, not a very pleasant weekend sexually even though there was a lot of stuff going on. Anyway, I don't have time to blabber anymore, but hopefully I can write again soon.
Hei, ei tunnu ainakaan minusta mukavalta kuulla sun epäonnistumisista, vaikka välillä inhoankin sua (siis näiden kirjoitusten pohjalta, kyllähän sä välillä kuulostat aika sialta!)
Mutta siis. Saanko tarjota jälleen kyökkipsykologiaa? Okei, jos kerran vaadit:
Musta tuntuu, että sä oikeasti rakastat tätä Lisaa. Se vois olla sulle se ns. oikea. Tuntuu, että te olette henkisesti ja älyllisesti samalla tasolla. että teillä on oikeasti kivaa ja teistä tuntuu luonnolliselta olla yhdessä.
Ehkä se on se juttu, miksi sulla lerpahtaa Lisan kanssa? Se on sun kanssa samalla tasolla, ei mikään hempukka, jota sä voit käskeä mieles mukaan.
Sä olet kuitenkin kiihottunut valtapeleistä. Muistatko, kun mä joskus kommentoin sulle, että tää sun ATM-fetissi vaikuttaa musta siltä, että se symbolisoi äärimmäistä nöyryytystä. (Koska oikeasti, vaikka siinä ei todellakaan ole mitään vikaa, jos se on molempien osapuolien mielestä ok, kyllä paska ja kaikki siihen liittyvä on ihmiselle aikamoinen tabu, ja moniahan anaalitouhuissa ällöttää nimenomaan se yhteys paskaan.)
Saanko vielä jatkaa? kyllähän tää menee aika pitkälle, considering, että mä tunnen sut vain näiden kirjoitusten perusteella. No, antaa mennä kuitenkin: musta tuntuu kuitenkin, että mikäli sä haluat vaimon ja perheen jne, sun kannattaa vähän ruveta miettimään näitä asioita: Voisitko sä olla onnellinen jonkun näistä sun ns. lutkistas kanssa, vai haluatko sä sellaisen naisen, joka on henkisesti samalla tasolla sun kanss?
Suosittelen, että käyt juttelemassa jonkun ammattilaisen kanssa näistä asioista. Siitä on toisinaan apua.
(Mä oon jättänyt nää kommentit aina jollain nimellä. Olikohan se...)
That's not failure. That's the human condition.
Anyways, the problems you encountered are typical when men either don't particularly care for the girl they're fucking, or care too much, and have performance anxiety.
The best way to fix the problem is to have a very successful experience which will reset your expectations. Don't have an orgasm for about two to three days, and then arrange an encounter on terms you control.
Olen kyllä itsekin pohtinut, että olisikohan kyse rakkaudesta. Jokatapauksessa, oli miten oli, meistä ei ikinä tule paria joten sen suuntaan on turha haikailla.
ATM-fetissini ei itseasiassa liity millään tavalla nöyryyteen, vaan intiimiyteen. Löysin sen postauksen, jossa aikaisemmin tästä kirjoittelin ja juurikin sinulle =)
Ja että voisinko olla olla onnellinen "jonkun lutkan kanssa, joka ei olisi henkisesti samalla tasolla"? En varmastikaan. Haluankin lutkan, joka on henkisesti samalla tasolla ;)
It's hard to have a period of celibacy before having sex with her since I have no control over the matter. If it seems it's obvious that we're going to have sex on some night, we almost certainly won't because doesn't want it to be obvious.
Also, I never get to control the terms. I want light, but if I turn it on she'll just turn it off.
Tiedätkö, Farewell, tytön kannalta olisi NIIN paljon kivempaa kuulla että tulit nopeasti, kuin että sulla lörpähti kesken. Eli siinä kyllä teit taktisen virheen, jos haluat yhtään tehdä vaikutusta/miellyttää Lisaa.
Nopea ejakulaatiohan vaan tarkoittaa että tyttö oli niin kuuma & kiihoittava, ettet pystynyt hillitsemään itseäsi. Ja erektion katoaminen taas tulkitaan niin, ettei tyttö kiihottanut tarpeeksi, mielenkiinto meni.
This is how it is. Olen tyttö ;)
Terkuin, Persikka
Yleisesti olisin samaa mieltä, mutta tässä tapauksessa tuntuu että Lisa ei ole edes tajunnut että vika voisi olla hänessä.
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