Saturday, November 11, 2006

Winter got me

I have to say I like being missed, but that's not the reason I haven't been writing. I've been so busy lately that I've had trouble finding time to eat and sleep. On top of this all I caught the worst cold I've had in ages on Tuesday and since then I've been on the brink of suicide with all the coughing and sore throats. I hate being ill!

I've tried all the cures I know, but I don't think anything will work until I slow down a bit. Unfortunately my timetables won't allow me to do so properly. I've already tried skipping some of the not so mandatory stuff, but there are things I simply can't cancel, even though I am ill. A lot of people will probably think I should just cancel anything, but even my mom agreed with me that some of the meetings I have I can't cancel even though I am very ill so nothing is going to convince me otherwise. Mom knows best. She however does think that I shouldn't arrange such tight schedules for myself, but that's another issue.

I was suppose to meet Evita last Thursday. She called me up and asked if she could come to my place. I guess she's over whatever she's been going through. I don't know what got into her, but then again it's none of my business. We're just fuck buddies and the best part of that is that you don't have to explain anything. Anyway, I got home so late that we had to cancel. The good thing is that she's available again. I just need to find the time for her.

Aino split up with her boyfriend. At the moment she's out of town, but we agreed to go out together when she gets back home. She's never had Indian food so I thought I'd take her to an Indian restaurant. That is, if I find the time. Blah.

There's stuff I have to do tonight, but I'll try not to end up in a bar afterwards. I already managed to keep myself out yesterday. I'd so wanna get wasted. You, my dear readers, are going to have to do it for me!

When going out, wear something special! Of course it's for the opposite sex too, but even more it has an effect on your own self-esteem. When you look special, you feel special. Nothing is sexier than self-confidence, but don't get cocky!

If you have any good tips on how to get rid of the flu, I'll be happy to try them out. I've already tried masturbation.

PS. There's some nasty bugs with the Blogger Beta composer, I hope this comes out right.


At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tee teetä tuoreesta inkivääristä, sitruunasta ja hunajasta; nuku pilkottua sipulia sukissa, pitää nenän auki vaikka kuulostaakin ällöttävältä - ja toimii!; juo PALJON lämmintä: mustaviinimarjamehua, (yrtti)teetä... hunajaa ja sitruunaa kehiin, jälkimmäisestä saa c-vitamiinia. Brämhultsin mehuissa on sitä kans. Koita syödä, mulle ei kipeenä maistu mikään raskas mut vaiks sit kaupan valmiskeittoja (nekin lämmittää). Vitamiinitabletit on hyödyllisiä ainoastaan lääkefirmoille: elimistö ei pysty kunnolla käyttämään niiden vitamiineja hyväksi sillä maksa tulkitsee ne suodatettaviksi epäpuhtauksiksi. Siksi ne pitää hankkia ruoasta.

Osta kaikki käsikauppalääkkeet, mitä saat: nenäsprayta (vähentää limakalvojen turvotusta ja räkää --> pienempi riski saada poskiontelontulehdus jälkitautina. Särkkäreitä hyvään oloon. Finrexin on paskaa, koska siinä on kofeiinia ja se rasittaa elimistöä entisestään. Parhaita on jenkkien flunssalääkkeet, ne herättää kuolleetkin (esim. Tylenol Sinus) mutta niitä ei saa myydä Euroopassa. Yliannostuksesta tulee maksavaurio ja niissä on jotain vauhtijohdannaista. Hamstraan niitä aina reissusta. Myös Ranskassa lääkärit määräävät järeitä lääkkeitä tavalliseen pikku flunssaankin. Näillä täällä pärjäillään. Sama tauti ja samat aikataulut. Mulla on onneksi mahdollisuus nauttia lämpimiä toteja, pikku hönössä sairastaminen on mukavampaa ;D

At 10:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Several grams of vitamin C every day can shorten the duration of the illness.

Anna-jo's comment about vitamin supplements is BS, the body can and does use vitamins from supplements, simple blood tests prove this.

If you're in pain, a tiny amount of marijuana can work wonders.

At 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drink a lot! And I truly mean alot, preferably something warm, but anything is good. Drink more than you would actually even want to, drink as much as you can. I don't know why exactly does it help, but it does. Propably clenses the system or something. Garlic also is very good, but maybe you don't want to eat because of the smell... vitamins help, C and also B. Ginger strengtens and makes the throat feel better.

At 6:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pikainen apu tulee (anna-jo:n kommentista poiketen) kun liuottaa isoon mukiin kuumaa vettä 3pss Finrexiniä (sitruuna parasta!), 2 c-vitamiiniporetta (tai vielä parempaa, raakaa c-vitamiinia jos kotoa löytyy) ja 3 lusikallista sokeria. Tuommoisen mukillisen voimalla jaksaa paljon ja pitkään. Karpalomehu on myös hyvä juoma, paljon vitamiineja ja pieni happamuus on vain hyväksi.

At 3:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are run down, stressed or are running a tight schedule this can cause the same symptoms as the flu. I contracted a small 'harmless' cold/flu virus 2 months ago. Since contracting that virus i have been under alot of stress due to work, because of this my body has almost shut down. I am still ill and have been for the past 8 weeks. A little bit of advice, drink and drugs don't work; i have drunk my self unconcious for the past 2 weeks! it does not work. You need to fight it mentally and don't give up. Like i said i have been ill that long i am now used to it. Winter is a blessing. Peace...

At 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hurry up and get better! My boyfriend and I have been re-enacting some of your posts and we need more material!

My boyfriend of course always plays you and I have been Laura, Jonna, Evita, Donna, Helga and your mystery girl. I'd like to try Aino but haven't got the tits for it. We try to follow your description as closely as possible.

Bye for now!

At 9:44 PM, Blogger PartyFlickan said...

Hey dear :)

EI missään nimessä finrexiniä, se vaan pitkittää flunssaa. Uni on parasta lääkettä ;) Ja hellyys...

At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, do you realise that your life will only become a lot more busy as you get older? Right about now is probably your last decent chance of doing that around-the-world trip, hanging around as a ski/surfbum, experimenting with some mind expansion, doing some endless partying with weird people etc.

At 11:17 PM, Blogger Farewell said...

Thanks a lot for your tips and hints. I'm feeling a lot better already. Still not in perfect shape, but I think I'll be good after the weekend.

Pretty weird if it's really true that there's a coule re-enacting my sexual experiences. Anyway, I'm sorry there hasn't been a lot of action, but I don't want to start fucking ugly people just so I can write about it in my blog ;)

Nice to hear from you, baby. Tenderness, lol ;)

I don't think my life will get busier than this. I have too many things going on at the same time and that with time some of these will drop.


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