Bizzaro world
I've had a fairly interesting weekend, I must say. Me and Lisa haven't been in contact much lately since she got pissed off at me for going out with a girl she knows. It's not like she has any say in the matter, but I do understand her. I wouldn't feel too happy about it either if Lisa went out with someone I know. Luckily, however, this girl wasn't especially interesting and I decided not to see her again so I wouldn't mess things up with Lisa more than I already did. Even though we're never going to be boyfriend-girlfriend I've grown to value her a lot and I don't want to lose her just to get some unimportant pussy.
Lisa let me off the hook and invited me over to her place for some wine on Friday. That's rare. She usually doesn't waste weekend days on me, let alone ask me to come over at 9 pm. I already had the scent of her pussy in my nose when I received the invitation, but I wanted to play cool. I decided that I'm not going to make a single move. If she doesn't start warming me up, I'm going to go home when it's time and not try a thing. As always, this strategy proved perfect.
At her place we just sat on the couch, enjoyed the wine and talked for several hours. We had a million things to talk about since we hadn't seen each other for a while. Though we've never really had a problem figuring out topics for a conversation anyway. She's a real babbler, probably worse than me.
At one point, out of the blue, she stopped the conversation and kissed me passionately. "Ok, here we go" I thought to myself. Some moments later my face was soaked with fluids from her pussy. Her wetness continues to amaze me. I've never seen any girl produce such amounts of juice. Of course, I'm convinced that this only happens with me and no one else.
When she was sucking my cock she suddenly jumped on me and stuffed my cock in her pussy. Naturally, at first I was a bit worried. "Are you on the pill?", I asked. -"Yes". I guess this time she had really prepared for this. I have to say, I felt flattered since it seems she started eating the pill for me.
She always had the wrong impression that my inability to have sex with her had something to do with condoms. Based on that false assumption she fixed a problem that didn't exist, but with the side-effect that now my cock was inside her and it was rock hard.
I fucked her in various positions for quite a while until she stopped me. She said: "We both know that if everything was alright we would've both already orgasmed". And bye, bye, there goes my boner. What the fuck? When I try to explain that I'm pretty good at holding back, she doesn't believe me. What she said also means that she wasn't getting as much out of it than she had expected to and that didn't exactly help.
I told her that she can tell me when to cum. She still didn't believe me, but agreed to do so. The limp dick problem was solved with some oral work, after which she jumped on me again. We soon turned into the missionary and she told me to cum. So I did. She took a shower and since I knew she hadn't orgasmed yet, I licked and fingered her until she did.
On a mental level we are so close, but physically we're miles apart. We spent most of Saturday together and we had a blast. I had plans to meet a friend for a few beers, but after that she invited me over to watch a movie. We were both so tired that after the movie we just cuddled and slept together. Lisa is probably the only girl with whom I love to cuddle.
She had breakfast plans with a girlfriend for Sunday so we didn't really have time to fuck in the morning. Anyway, I warmed her up just a bit until she said "I want to feel you inside me". I just had to remind her that she's in a hurry since I just wasn't hard enough to be able to enter her.
She's the weirdest girl. She's crazily enticing and sexy as long as we're not touching. Once we do, she manages to miss all of my turn on's, but hits of a few big turn off's. I can't get over her shyness or reluctance or whatever you want to call it. She wants me to lick and finger her, but still she keeps pulling her legs together. She always turns off the lights. If there's a pillow or a blanket that she can hide herself with, she will. She's also the first girl I've met who has kept pinching her buttocks together while I was fucking her from behind. Unbelievable.
The fact that we get along so great otherwise just makes this worse. If our sex life were better I would probably do all within my power to make her my wife.
And then, we have Lisa's opposite, Satu. She came over Sunday evening. I took tens of pictures of her posing, spreading her ass, masturbating and sucking my cock. She says she enjoys showing her goods to me while I masturbate. It turns her on to know that I'll be masturbating to photos of her. After some vaginal intercourse I photo- and videographed my cock sinking into her asshole. My cock was so hard that it could've exploded at any moment. After the sex, nothing. Hardly any conversation, very little cuddling.
This is so frustrating. Where will I ever find a girl who is the combination of the two? Loves showing off her body, takes it in the ass and is cuddly and smart.
Maybe Lisa has low self-esteem? My behaviour in bed is almost the same as hers and the reason is my low self-esteem. I know it but I don't have a clue how to fix the situation (and I even know that I'm not ugly). It's all in my head and nobody but me can deal with it.
It takes time and isn't foolproof, but you may be able to build up Lisa's self-esteem by taking things slowly, not being discouraged by her counter-productive moves and praising her whenever you get a chance. Gifts work, too.
Satu I have more trouble understanding. It's a rare woman who's not interested in cuddling after sex.
shit man you have an amazing sex life! Fucking Satu sounds hot! Forget the cuddling that just leads to really long term commitment with a bad sex life. You are way too young for that. Post those pics/videos mate! If you don't want to post then e-mail to me- they must be awesome...
Merlin, women don't feel like cuddling with every man they have sex with. It's such a mistake to think that a woman would automatically want to cuddle with the guy she wants to have sex with. You don't always feel the need for that and different people tend to serve a difference purpose in your life -some men are ideal for cuddling (often the ones you have feelinfs for) and some are great for passionate sex (and a woman does sense it if a man is not exactly the cuddling type).
About Lisa.. her behaviour definitely seems to reflect insecurity, but I'm sure you knew/saw that too. Covering herself with pillows etc. shows that she doesn't feel comfortable showing her body to you (or anyone). And the pinching her buttocks part... oh wow, how can she relax and enjoy the sex? Is she able to tell you what she likes and wants or is that too difficult for her?
That kind of a thing is probably very hard to fix... complementing her will only take you so far if it's a big issue that she has with herself.
i have a theory.....
I think Lisa is a lesbian. What do you think??
can girl
also, reading back on some of your older posts- really hot descriptions sometimes...maybe if you could be a bit more explicit with your descriptions- you know more of a play by play- satu sounds amazing- would like to here more about your adventures with her. does she do ATM? also you mentioned that you had a video of Laura that you were going to post- ATM. I know its a while ago- would you still consider posting it- sounds hot. E-mail it to me if not- thanks! and keep up the good posts...
When you masturbate, do it in front of a mirror? =)
Yeah, I actually do that all the time. I flatter her every chance I get.
It might work, but it's going take a looong time.
Thanks man! I'm not ready to settle down just yet so I'm gonna keep having fun for a while at least =)
Are you an aussie? =)
No, we haven't really discussed her likes or dislikes. We never discuss sex. She's really shy with these issues.
can girl:
I don't think she is, or then she's reaaalllyy shy and very deep in her closet ;)
So far I haven't done ATM with Satu, but I'm hoping to soon. We'll see what happens ;)
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